My Crohn's Disease Blog Update - More Osiris Prochymal

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So in the ultimate good news/bad news case...I went to the doctor last week and because my CDI score was so high, I qualified for another round of 4 stem cell infusions in the Osiris Prochymal study. I begin the week after Thanksgiving. Back to smelling like an onion, the worst side effect of the treatment. I am still not sure if I got a Placebo or stem cells in round one of the Osiris Prochymal study. Keeping my fingers crossed this time. Chances are pretty good given two rounds of treatment that I at least get a 50% dose. Nothing like being a lab rat. In the meantime I continue to have bad days, and OK days. Good days are pretty rare, and lately there have been more bad days (bad cramping, night sweats, 20+ trips to the restroom, etc). I know alot of you out there deal with worse Crohn's Disease Symptoms than I I am not complaining. Keep your heads up Chronies.

Heading up to Indiana for a week to spend time with family. As always, thanks for checking out my Crohn's Disease blog. Safe travels and I will check in around Thanksgiving.

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