Crohn's Disease and Arthritis - Anyone Else Feel my Pain?

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Many Crohn's patients suffer from Arthritis as well (usually Enteropathic). It is my understanding that enteropathic arthritis usually affects a large lower extremity joint and often occurs when the bowel disease is flaring. I am an avid athlete and am constantly suffering from joint pain. It moves around from spot to spot (lots in knees and ankles), however it is ALWAYS in my hands and fingers. They are constantly sore and swollen. I am also having severe foot pain. I am experiencing my second bout where the inside foot/ankle is consistently locking while i walk, causing almost unbearable pain. I am wondering if I have a stress frature of some sort??

An excellent discussion on the topic can be found at the medhelp site.

Anyways, I have touched on this subject before, but it is a hot topic for me right now and would love to know who else has Crohn's and Arthritis and what you do to treat it.

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