Infusion #3 is today. Hopefully the old veins cooperate, because the big thick IV is the worst part. I swear, they are trying to insert a drinking straw into my vein. That and the benadryl that gurantees me a nice little 45 minute power nap. I do actually think I am feeling a little bit better. Different at the very least. I think the side effect of muscle weakness is kicking in, as evidenced by personal worsts at the gym and lots of soreness after soccer. For the 3rd time in 3 trys I will be playing soccer within hours after the infusion. I still have pretty severe stomach pains, and haven't taken any meds for that in a long time. Just dealing with it.
I am trying very hard to minimize stress. Add a tough economy, divorce, no AC in the house and plenty of work related issues and it is a tough mix. I got some peace based on a legal decision last week that has helped reduce my stress level immesaurably. Thank god. Sorry these posts aren't very exciting but I know alot of you are anxious to know how these treatment works. I do recommend that if you have moderate to severe chron's, that you talk to your doctor about Osiris' Prochymal Clinical Research Study to see if it can help you out.
I am trying very hard to minimize stress. Add a tough economy, divorce, no AC in the house and plenty of work related issues and it is a tough mix. I got some peace based on a legal decision last week that has helped reduce my stress level immesaurably. Thank god. Sorry these posts aren't very exciting but I know alot of you are anxious to know how these treatment works. I do recommend that if you have moderate to severe chron's, that you talk to your doctor about Osiris' Prochymal Clinical Research Study to see if it can help you out.