David Garrard - CBS Interview - 3:30 - Crohn's Focus?

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CBS is doing a special on Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback David Garrard (and wife Mary) at 3:30. It will be about his "remarkable journey", and I assume it will focus on or at least highlight the football player's battle with Crohn's Disease.

Stay tuned for details and possibly a link to the inverview. As you know, I am a big football fan, and am dissapointed that I can't really cheer for my favorite athlete with Crohn's disease today...on account of them playing my team....the New England Patriots. Search my blog for several articles detailing David Garrard's Battle with Chron's.


More info on his Crohn's (from jacksonville.com interview)
One test came in 2004, when he had surgery for Crohn's disease, a painful inflammation of the intestines. He takes medication every eight weeks, a 3?-hour procedure; his next appointment is Tuesday, three days after playing the Pittsburgh Steelers in the first round of the playoffs tonight.

"It's a horrible disease, something that a lot of people are affected by," he says. "But I think the Lord blessed me with it, so I could talk about it."
To Mary Garrard, her husband's Christian faith is a key to both his personality and his playing style. "About 95 percent of his temperament comes from his faith," she says. "We're both Christians: There's a higher power, God is in charge of everything, there's no reason to worry about anything."

From IBD site:
David Garrard has been fighting Crohn's disease since 2003. He was sidelined from playing football for the NFL and lost 35 pounds. This season he is back in full force, and the Jaguars have won 6 of his last 7 starts. He credits the turnaround in his health to Remicade. With starting quarterback Byron Leftwich possibly sidelined for the rest of the season, Garrard is now likely to start for the Jaguars for the rest of the year.
Most of us with IBD just struggle to get through a day, or a week, at a time. Sometimes a simple everyday activity like a shopping trip or a night out seems like an impossible task, rather than a pleasure. People with IBD such as David Garrard, Pearl Jam Guitarist Mike McCready, and San Diego Chargers legend Rolf Benirschke are good reminders for us--a productive and fulfulling life is possible with IBD!

Original Story of his Crohn's (From USAToday.com)
Jaguars backup quarterback David Garrard will have surgery next week to alleviate symptoms of Crohn's disease and hopes to be back in time for training camp. Garrard will have diseased tissue removed from where his colon meets his small intestine.
Jacksonville Jaguars' second string quaterback David Garrard will have surgery for Crohn's disease.

Crohn's causes blockage in the intestines, resulting in chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and weight loss. There is no known cause or cure, and it afflicts more than 500,000 people in the United States.

Garrard, 26, said he will have surgery next Thursday at Baptist Medical Center, and be sidelined until mid-July. He hopes to get himself ready for training camp in late July or early August.

Although the surgery will not cure the disease, Garrard said patients sometimes go 15 to 20 years without symptoms after the surgery.

"I'll be done with football by that time," Garrard said. "There shouldn't be any problems. I could have lived with it if I was a normal person."

Garrard decided to have the surgery after he was hospitalized last weekend when he was in constant pain because his intestines had swollen and were pressing on his bladder.
Garrard stared feeling sick in January and was diagnosed in March.

He completed nine of 12 passes last year for 86 yards and a touchdown. Although the Jaguars signed undrafted rookie Bryson Spinner to give them a fourth quarterback, coach Jack Del Rio said he will await Garrard's return.

"Get healed and come back," Del Rio said. "We're not rushing anybody."

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