6 Tips for Managing Your Crohn's Disease Through the Holidays

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1. Keep to Your Routines - Continue to take your medication on time and get regular rest. Crohn’s Disease Flare Ups are bound to happen when you don't follow the routine that works for you.

2. Beat the Holiday Blues - If you feel the holiday blues coming on, don't be afraid to talk to your healthcare provider. The sooner you get help, the better you will feel throughout the season. As I have said many times, I always have Crohn’s Disease flare ups during the holidays. So far so good this year!

3. Don't Party Too Hard - Decide which social functions you can realistically attend without stress overload. Running yourself ragged to make every holiday party can leave you too tired to enjoy any of them. Be sensible about holiday drinking. Some people with IBD find that alcohol can contribute to symptoms such as diarrhea or gas. I suck at this one!!

4. Less is more - Keep your entertaining simple, and save yourself energy and frustration. I suck at this one too…come to my holiday party!

5. Take a Break! - Take a time out for yourself if you need it. Some quiet time to de-stress is important.

6. Travel Well – Keep your diet…get your rest. Manage your Crohn’s Disease, don’t let it manage you.

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